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The Memoir Book

20 June, 2007

Patti Miller, author of the popular book on life writing, Writing Your Life, has a new book. The Memoir Book, published by Allen & Unwin, is a thoughtful guide for anyone interested in autobiographical writing.
Patti says that trying to write your memoir according to categories (eg, parents, schooldays, holidays) is similar to ‘painting by numbers’. Instead of relying on the rational left-side of the brain, she suggests encouraging the right-brain to dig deeper into what she calls the stronger ‘sense memories’.

Patti’s book is well written and researched, with plenty of exercises and examples. Even people mainly interested in fiction writing can appreciate the technical content, such as engaging readers, writing for self, and dealing with voice.
Miller, Patti (2007). The Memoir Book. Sydney: Allen & Unwin. Price: $24.95 AUD.

Patti Miller’s website:

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